Winter Seminar 2024

The Winter Seminar of the “Physics Institute IIIb” at RWTH Aachen is a one-week retreat in Montafon in the Austrian Alps. Even though not being part of their institute (I am part of the “Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology”), we were kindly invited to join and in touch with our experimental counterparts.

I had a wonderful time during the half-day skiing trips and the afternoon and evening seminar talks. My talk last year was very mathematics-heavy , so this time I wanted to mix things up and talk about a philosophical topic. I chose to talk about the philosophical nature of numbers, a topic that is part of a greater discipline, the philosophy of science. My talk was based mainly on this journal article by Paul Benacerraf.

Title: What Are Numbers? A philosophical search for their true nature

Author: Laurin Söding

When: 06th of February 2024

Where: Montafon, Austria

Below, you can find the slides of my presentation in pdf format: