Tag: Journal Article

  • Published Paper: New 3D Maps of Hydrogen in the Milky Way

    Published Paper: New 3D Maps of Hydrogen in the Milky Way

    I am the first author of a paper, in which we reconstruct 3D maps of interstellar Hydrogen (atomic Hydrogen via the 21 cm emission line and molecular Hydrogen traced via line-emission of CO), the interstellar velocity field, and the line-widths of the respective emission lines. Here, you can find supplementary material, including interactive 3D renderings…

  • Published Paper: The Impact of 3D Galactic Gas on Cosmic-Ray Transport

    Published Paper: The Impact of 3D Galactic Gas on Cosmic-Ray Transport

    I co-author a paper that examines the influence of using a three-dimensional map of Galactic gas on the propagation and resulting distribution of cosmic rays (that are highly energetic charged particles travelling through our Galaxy). These results are a product of our GaGaDiCT-collaboration. Title: The influence of the 3D Galactic gas structure on cosmic-ray transport…

  • ICRC 2023

    ICRC 2023

    We travelled to Nagoya Univervity in Nagoya, Japan for the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023). For two days, I presented a poster about ongoing work on a common inference scheme for inferring atomic Hydrogen (HI), molecular Hydrogen (H2) and corrections to the Galactic velocity field. Title: Bayesian inference of 3D densities of galactic…