DPG Spring Meeting 2023

I went to the “DPG Spring Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section” and gave a 12-minute talk about previous and upcoming work on reconstructions of the Galactic HI (atomic neutral Hydrogen) distribution.

Title: Bayesian Inference of the 3D Galactic HI-Gas Density

Abstract: While other galaxies can be observed with various techniques in great detail and precision, the structure of our own galaxy is mostly obscured from view due to our vantage point. Creating a 3D map of e.g. HI gas density or magnetic fields is therefore a challenging task. We have used the 21-cm emission line from atomic hydrogen – together with a velocity model – to reconstrcut a 3D-map of the galactic distribution of HI gas using new Bayesian inference techniques. While the first results look very promising, we have characterised systematic uncertainties of the method due to, e.g. the choice of velocity model. In the future, we will strive to determine velocity fields and gas densities in a common inference machinery to obtain the best maps of the Galaxy yet.

Authors: Laurin Söding, Philipp Mertsch and Vo Hong Minh Phan

When: 23rd of March 2023

Where: Technical University Dresden

This is a link to information about my talk on the conference-webpage. Below, you can find the slides of my presentation in pdf format: