About me

Laurin Söding

PhD student in the group of Philipp Mertsch at the Institute for Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology (TTK) at RWTH Aachen University.

For information about my education or publications, take a look at my CV.

Currently, I work mainly on reconstructing the spatial 3D distribution of the Galactic Interstellar Medium (ISM), that is mainly neutral Hydrogen. I use state-of-the-art Bayesian inference methods to obtain spatially coherent realisations. Previously, I have worked on large-scale cosmological structure formation with ultra-light bosons, a type of dark matter candidate which exhibits interference phenomena on astrophysical scales.

3D Maps of the Interstellar Medium of the Milky Way

  • Atomic Hydrogen
    • Inferred from Galactic 21cm emission
  • Molecular Hydrogen
    • Inferred from \(J=1-0\) emission of CO
  • Interstellar velocity field
  • Local Bubble

Side Project: Local Dark Matter Distribution

  • Coming soon