
Galactic Gas Explorer

From reconstructions of gaseous atomic and molecular Hydrogen (corresponding publication) in the Milky Way, I have created an interactive, 3D visualisation that everyone can access in the browser.

Recent Activity

  • MIAPbP Workshop 2023

    MIAPbP Workshop 2023

    I went to the “Munich Institute for Astro-, Particle and BioPhysics” (MIAPbP) to participate in a topical workshop on “The Road to Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming in Fundamental Physics” for two weeks. I had a great time speaking to various people and listening to many talks. Topics included among many others. In particular, I collected…

  • DPG Spring Meeting 2023

    DPG Spring Meeting 2023

    I went to the “DPG Spring Meeting of the Matter and Cosmos Section” and gave a 12-minute talk about previous and upcoming work on reconstructions of the Galactic HI (atomic neutral Hydrogen) distribution. Title: Bayesian Inference of the 3D Galactic HI-Gas Density Abstract: While other galaxies can be observed with various techniques in great detail…

  • Winter Seminar 2023

    Winter Seminar 2023

    The Winterseminar is a one-week retreat in Montafon, in the Austrian Alps. There, we go skiing half-day and listen to and give talks for the other half of the day. Each participant gives a talk of approximately 10 to 30 minutes that can be, but needs not be directly related to their own research. Especially…